Tuesday, April 15, 2008

A Few Changes for the Better

When we at the TP started this blog, it was with grand intentions...mainly for ourselves and our own enjoyment. We all love to cook and we thought that by recording our weekly menus we would be creating an archive that we could use and that others could also benefit from. Apparently, life with small children and a bevy of activities has caused us all to fall off the blogging wagon. It appears that our set up of recording a whole week's worth of menus complete with descriptions was too time consuming and thus we stopped writing all together. So from now on we will be posting meals that we find exceptional, occasional menus, reviews, entertaining ideas, etc.

Stay tuned for what we hope will be some fabulous ideas for summer cooking. We have joined a local farm and will be getting loads of organic goods to cook with...likely we will not know what to do with some of it and therein lies the fun.

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